Life, Music

A totally different journey all together. Nike+ Playlist updated.


I had multiple playlists that I’ve made since I started running. Mixed them up a little so that I could still run without being routine and also keeping some of the key songs that would “power” and keep me running.

Till today, I find music a great distraction and something to focus on while running in continuous circles like a race car in a NASCAR circuit, the lyrics, the driving guitar riffs, the beating of the drums. Helps me in my imagination when I run, either a train, a horse, running away from zombies etc, and also to keep my head on the carrot in front of me,  thinking of more ideas in writing songs or just purely music in general to keep my momentum during the run.

Without music I think the run will be a totally different journey all together.

The playlists that I usually create has a mixture of genres, tones, speed, and feel. Thus, to make my run more dynamic. This playlist however, is more consistent with just one or two genres. Usually this happens when I’m stressed out and I need some harder music do my runs and workouts to quicken  my pace to work harder.

Nike+ workout playlist | 16 June’12 :

  1. Gimme nothing – Kyoto Protocol
  2. Forfeiture – House vs. Hurricane
  3. Cast the first stone – We Came As Romans
  4. I keep my secrets safe – Saosin
  5. Surrogates – I,Revival
  6. Blessed with a curse – Bring Me The Horizon
  7. My life for hire – A Day To Remember
  8. Dreams – We Came As Romans
  9. These wolves are made of wool – Azure for Janne
  10. The eleventh hour – August Burns Red
  11. Moment – Rosevelt
  12. I can’t make your decisions for you – We Came As Romans
  13. If you can’t hang – Sleeping with Sirens
  14. Comforting our thoughts in a continuous blue – House vs. Hurricane
  15. A war inside – We Came As Romans
  16. Crossroads – I, Revival
  17. Meddler – August Burns Red
  18. Youngbloods – The Amity Affliction
  19. Thrones – Azure for Janne
  20. We are rockstars – Does If Offend You, Yeah?
  21. Stay alive – I, Revival
  22. Warrior (Southern Arrowwood) – Secret and Whisper
  23. H.M.A.S Lookback – The Amity Affliction
  24. 2nd sucks  – A Day To Remember
  25. Catch myself catching myself – Underoath
  26. Sing it rock & roll – Oh Chentaku
  27. With a heavy heart (I regret to inform you) – Does It Offend You, Yeah?
  28. The only virtue – House vs. Hurricane

Ending this post which I’ve had the privilege to sing in the bridge of the song. Check out Azure for Janne (here).


Carrying the coals & keeping the fire wood together…

Had an awesome time of prayer worship last night during worship practice! It’s the first service I’m serving this year for the YA/College service on Saturday evenings! Am ecstatic and can’t wait for Saturday for more! I’m coming expecting 😀

It is when this hit me…

During the course of my journey through life, the past few months has made me realized, by the signs and people that God has sent to me, that the ministries that I am in (leadership position in church and worship team) are front-line ministries, and how important it is to mindful of our own lives.

Indeed being a cell leader is like a Shepard who watches it’s flock, to guide, to facilitate, to be an intercessor, to assist, to be a humble and also to be a lover of God and His Word.

As in the leadership line of ministry, i learnt that each and every leader is an humble example of Jesus Christ. I realised that I need to keep my life always with my guard up in my actions, words and my mind.  It took me awhile to know that my Daily devotions and my relationship with God is essential as a leader will be a special target of the evil one. We are not perfect but I realized God was not looking for Perfection, but a willingness to yield to the Holy Spirit.

As for worship team, it is indeed a privilege and an honour to be able to serve as a guitarist on the worship team. Worship Team leads God’s people in praise and worship through welcoming and ushering in His Holy Spirit. We want to magnify and exalt the Lord in our hearts. When worshippers are drawn into God’s presence, they speak to Him, and listen to Him. We rejoice when our mission has been accomplished.

Before even talking about serving in whatever ministries in our lives, we have to be humble and honest before God and willingness to move.

To keep the fire burning, the wood and coals have to be placed together to keep everything connected to keep the fire burning. Just like our lives, our walk with God has to be prioritized, focused and get everything together, like if all the wood fire is spread out and not connected at all, the fire will dwindle and won’t last and stand, it will falter.

God, thank You for your prompts and reminders…
