Fashion, Life, Sightings

Life as it is. Can’t complain really.

I’ve just completed my first month of my career in Advertising!

Thing is I still haven’t sorted out paper work for my salary and stuff! I’ve been so couped up in the office that I don’t even have time to fill those out! How am I gonna get my salary! D:

How am I gonna get the things that I want?

Currently on my shopping list… these are what I am eyeing (below)!

Nike SB Dunk High “Red Devil”

Nike SB Dunk High "Red Devil"

A really nice Varsity Jacket

Varsity Jacket

I need to get a smart casual jacket too! In case we have an impromtu meeting with the clients or the big bosses!

Pharell Williams so good at his fashion sense!

A new electric guitar!

New electric guitar

Fancy bag to take to work 🙂 (Something like this would be shiek!)

ASOS Wolfgang Backpack

A fancy metal flask that speaks “I’m ECO Friendly!”

Fancy eco friendly flask

Fancy eco friendly flask

Perhaps I should have my own potted plant in the office 😉

Also, I gotta get myself a fancy mug for the office!

Punch Mug

Or a cool and medieval goblet!

Jason goblet (Now this is AWESOME)

Probably one of the most important things that I would need at work is a really good planner/or a calender/wall planner, as the nature of my job requires timely matters!

Moleskin planner

Probably a nice ukelele or a guitar at the office to take away the blues and have some fun! : )


Well… one day I would really wanna work like this!

Office by the beach

That would definitely be awesome to work in such an awesome environment. Probably something like in Phuket or Phi Phi!

Then I would feel like this everyday : )


Lovin’ life at the moment. Can’t complain really, cause God has given me so much more than what I asked for!
